
Agnet® for public safety

Airbus in the UK

The UK is one of Airbus' four home markets, alongside France, Germany and Spain

Airbus has established a strong presence in the United Kingdom's defence and security market. With manufacturing and assembly facilities in Broughton and Filton, they contribute to the production of military aircraft, particularly the A400M transport aircraft, which features components manufactured in the UK. In addition, Airbus offers communication, intelligence, and security solutions, including secure communication systems and surveillance equipment. They are also involved in the design and manufacturing of advanced satellite systems for defence and security purposes. Furthermore, Airbus provides cybersecurity services and engages in research and development activities, collaborating with various stakeholders to drive innovation in the field.

Critical Communications to Frontline Users

In September Airbus took part in The Emergency Services Show in Birmingham where Public Safety Solutions Lead Andrew Fleet gave an insightful interview highlighting Airbus' extensive experience in delivering reliable and scalable public safety critical communication solutions globally through the Agnet MXC solution.

Watch the following expert interviews and find answers to some critical questions regarding security, officer safety and Agnet's capabilities in action.

How can MXC solutions help public safety organisations?


How can reliable new critical communications save more lives?


Why choose Airbus for mission-critical broadband communications?


How can new MCX solutions help public safety organisations?


Agnet® for public safety

Secure group collaboration for your teams

Agnet® is the next-generation collaboration solution, designed for public safety users. Agnet utilizes 4G and 5G technology to ensure secure and high-performance mobile broadband connectivity. The Agnet solution additionally supports satellite communication services to extend coverage in exceptional circumstances. 

Above all, Agnet prioritizes security to preserve the safety and confidentiality of critical operations. Agnet has the resilience to resist cyber-attacks and data breaches while continuing to operate seamlessly.

Agnet scales flexibly from simple push-to-talk to an extensive group collaboration solution that takes advantage of smart device capabilities. It gives you tools to professionally manage users and groups dynamically and easily onboard users from other agencies. Providing actionable data and the ability to reach the right people ensures efficient and secure field operations, even when using different devices and network technologies. In addition, Agnet APIs and 3GPP-compliant interfaces allow seamless integration between third-party systems. 



Voice, data, video, and location services

Voice, data, live video, and location services can be accessed and shared with a touch of a button on your smartphone device. Instant video sharing from video cameras or drones to dispatchers or groups will greatly improve situational awareness.

In addition, professional users in the field can make the right decisions quickly and act faster – thus making citizens, societies, and businesses more secure.

Instead of reacting to what has already happened, with Agnet, you can be one step ahead.


Uncompromised security

Agnet meets the highest level of security requirements designed to upkeep national safety and security. It has the resilience to resist cyber-attacks and data breaches while continuing to operate seamlessly.

All communication happening on the Agnet platform is encrypted. This prevents compromised devices and unauthorized users from accessing an organization’s resources while giving each user their own protected space.

As a European company, Airbus complies with EU cyber security regulations and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).



Agnet supports different integration solutions, from tailored gateways to 3GPP-compliant Interworking Functions. These enable seamless interoperability with your existing narrowband systems such as TETRA, Tetrapol, P25, DMR, and analogue.

Agnet also works via deployable networks and satellite communications. Agnet is fully compatible with 4G and 5G. Agnet also complies with the eMBMS functionality. This improves the use of radio resources when there are large numbers of users at the same time. In addition, Agnet’s interfaces enable priority use of MNO networks for public safety and mission-critical users over consumers.

Who is it for?


Modern solutions for police

Cities and societies are becoming more complex and connected. The number of security challenges continues to grow and security threats are becoming more sophisticated. To deal with these threats, police forces need to be more efficient and have a better view of incidents. This helps manage emergency situations, as well as identify and prevent crimes.

Police organizations need modern communication and collaboration solutions. These provide the right information, to the right people, at the right time – securely and efficiently.

Take a look at communication solutions for police



Communications for fire and rescue

Imagine an incident involving fire at a football match. A situation that could have serious consequences.

Thanks to modern, hybrid communications and smart apps, authorities can get a full situational picture. Via live video feed, the field commander gets a view of the spectators and of the traffic situation near stadium entrances. The field commander can even monitor the physical condition of the team: their heart rate and oxygen levels, for example.

Learn more about modern solutions for fire and rescue


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Communications for medical teams

Medical and healthcare professionals know that every shift is full of situations where proper communication is required. Reliable, accurate communication is at the core of operations – it really can make a difference. When people can communicate effectively, they will know what to do.

Can communication improve the quality of care while also making daily work more efficient? The answer is yes: communicating in groups instead of one-on-one is one solution.

Take a look at communications for the healthcare segment

Agnet® for public safety

The new era of critical collaboration

Agnet is the next-generation collaboration solution, designed for public safety. It gives professional users reliable access to mission-critical services, which deliver far more than push-to-talk over broadband, such as data, video and location services.

Learn more about Agnet and how it is the perfect way to move your communications into the future and adopt 4G/5G capabilities.




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How to migrate from TETRA to 4G/5G broadband?

Build a smart roadmap and avoid the most common mistakes!

Learn why public safety organizations and enterprises should be looking at mission-critical broadband now.

Discover the opportunities and the risks, the do's and dont's – and see how your broadband migration could be a success. Download this white paper now!




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Customer Stories

French public safety organizations have relied on the nationwide radio communications networks (INPT and RUBIS) for their everyday operations since the 1990s. The new generation RRF (Réseau Radio du Futur – radio network of the future) will provide 4G/ LTE broadband services, which will work seamlessly with existing narrowband services during the migration period. These new broadband capabilities will allow almost 300,000 public safety users to manage incidents and emergencies, as well as major diplomatic and sporting events in better ways.

Learn more about RRF

Réseau Radio du Futur (RRF)
France’s pioneering project for security and emergency rescue forces

Finnish public safety organizations rely on Virve, the nationwide TETRA radio communications network, for their everyday operations. In 2018, Erillisverkot – the operator of the Virve network – initiated Virve 2, a program to deploy the next-generation mission-critical services based on 3GPP standards and 4G/5G technologies. Thanks to Agnet, these services will work seamlessly with existing narrowband services during the migration period. Users will also benefit from the rich ecosystem of devices and accessories, in a secure and controlled way.

Learn more about VIRVE

Virve 2
Finland’s new generation public safety network

An EU-funded research project, BroadWay aimed to improve the cross-border communication and collaboration of European public safety authorities. Airbus led a consortium that successfully demonstrated two full-scale field tests of cross-border operations. Agnet’s mission-critical services gave first responders from 11 countries reliable access to voice, data and video. This constituted a new achievement in cross-border communications. The next step, BroadNet, will further pave the way towards seamless cooperation across borders.

Learn more about Broadway

For seamless critical communications across Europe

Abu Dhabi is the largest of the seven emirates and the capital of the UAE. Its rapid development has transformed it into a large, developed metropolis. As globalization advances, international trade and other activities increase and require constant vigilance. To help support its security efforts, Abu Dhabi Police (ADP) is gradually introducing professional communications over broadband by adopting Agnet. Intended as a key asset that aids Abu Dhabi’s sustainable growth, the system is designed to protect people and vital assets as well as improve police forces’ efficiency.

Learn more about Abu Dhabi Police

Abu Dhabi Police
Keeping the city a safer place

The authorities in Mexico’s Quéretaro state are under constant pressure to keep a lid on crime. And like most authorities, Querétaro state sees communications as essential to its mission. It wants to build on the success of its existing nationwide IRIS Tetrapol network while implementing new, efficient capabilities through more advanced communications. A major part in realizing this ambition is the MXLINK service from Airbus. MXLINK is a Secure Mobile Virtual Network Operator (SMVNO) service incorporating the network capabilities of Red Compartida, Telcel and AT&T.

Learn more about Querétaro

State of Querétaro
Keeping two million citizens safe

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