The Mission Is Critical blog | Critical communications

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3 reasons to have CCW every year »

The annual Critical Communications World (CCW) serves as a cornerstone event for industryplayers worldwide, offering a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and showcasingcutting-edge solutions. The previous Critical Communications World took place in May 2023 inHelsinki. Now, CCW returns, this time in Dubai. Some may wonder: will this year offer somethingnew, or will it echo the themes...

25 Apr 2024 by Igor Vinogradoff  |  4 min read
Critical communications, Events

2 Real-life cases on how to address coverage gaps and ensure broadband capacity »

Agnet with Satcom provides resilience and extended coverage capacity Emergency services require a reliable communication system to ensure public safety and security at all times. Airbus offers a reliable and effective means of communication that emergency services can depend on. Agnet together with Satcom services offers resilience, extended coverage, and capacity for uninterrupted field...

15 Apr 2024 by Srujan Ageeru  |  6 min read
Critical communications, TETRA and 5G, Satcom

How to extend broadband coverage for critical communications users? »

Public safety organisations and users are worried that moving critical communication systems from narrowband such as TETRA and Tetrapol to broadband may not offer enough coverage and capacity. Agnet over Satcom brings a solution to the concerns.

19 Feb 2024 by Tarja Kantola  |  5 min read
Critical communications, TETRA and 5G, Satcom

6 proven benefits of mission-critical communications over broadband »

When dealing with the rising number of cross-border incidents, public safety agencies depend on close cooperation and reliable communication with other countries’ agencies. It’s a major challenge, so an EU-funded research initiative, the BroadWay project, was created to prove modern critical communications capabilities for European first responders. Here are six proven benefits first responders...

26 May 2023 by Yves Van Tente  |  6 min read
Critical communications, TETRA and 5G

Why transition towards 5G might be a good idea – right now? »

Safe cities continue to be a hot topic. Cities are facing a number of new security challenges. These include organized crime, climate change and geopolitical threats. They must also deal with restricted budgets. To meet these challenges, critical organizations need new and more efficient ways of working. Overall, they must be able to do more with less. But how can they do this?

15 Mar 2023 by Tapio Savunen  |  6 min read
Critical communications, TETRA and 5G, Push-to-talk service

Why 4G/5G migration projects fail – and how to make sure yours doesn't »

Moving from TETRA or Tetrapol to 4G/5G mission-critical broadband is a huge undertaking and can take years to complete. Organizations want new and better ways of working for their users, but they also want to continue using investment they have already made. During the migration period, operations must also continue without interruptions. But why do migration projects fail – and how can you make...

31 Jan 2023 by Etienne Legendre  |  8 min read
Critical communications, TETRA and 5G, Tetrapol, Push-to-talk service

49 inspiring quotes for ensuring a successful broadband future »

Many organizations want to adopt broadband and smartphones for their professional communications. They see it as a good way to improve operational efficiency, safety and security. But what should every organization think about when planning their broadband future? To help you, we’ve collected these quotes about broadband transformation from some of the critical communications industry's leading...

15 Dec 2022 by Minna Kuronen  |  17 min read
Critical communications, TETRA and 5G

Mission-critical smartphones – Nearly everything you need to know »

A mission-critical smartphone must meet certain key requirements. These requirements cannot be met by a regular smartphone. But what are these key requirements? How do you choose a mission-critical smartphone? How do you manage smartphone risks for professional users? And how do you communicate when your mission-critical smartphone is out of coverage? This blog post answers these questions as...

29 Nov 2022 by Jaakko Tolppanen  |  22 min read
Public safety apps, Critical communications, TETRA and 5G, Professional apps, Push-to-talk service, Hybrid devices

3 real-life examples of seamless evolution to secure broadband »

Across the world, public safety agencies are taking advantage of new data services, such as video, data analytics and online field reporting. Compared with conventional voice, these services demand more communications capacity, best provided by 4G/5G broadband networks. Agencies can make the move to mission-critical broadband in different ways. Which is the best for you? For some ideas, we look...

23 Sep 2022 by Tapio Savunen  |  12 min read
Public safety apps, Critical communications, TETRA and 5G, Professional apps