Track Worker Protection
Location Indoor Or Outdoor
Warning! Approaching train
There are up to several hundred track worker accidents every year worldwide - caused by being hit by a train. The TWP app alerts train track workers using sounds, visuals and vibration, so there's enough time to safely leave the tracks.
Anyone near a track on which a train is about to get soon will receive an alarm in various stages, depending on the criticality.
When every person counts
In fast-changing situations and when lives may be at stake, train track workers need a warning system that they can trust. Thanks to this app:
- More lifes saved. Instead of depending on warning horns, each person will be alerted personally - even when there is no 3G/4G/5G network.
- Less overhead costs. Additional safety attendants are not needed when each person can be reached personally with the help of this app.
The app won an award in the first Critical App Challenge, organized by Airbus in February 2018.
What you need
The app will run on Tactilon Dabat and Android devices.
If trains are equipped with TrainCAS, the train collision avoidance system from IoW, the app works right away. If trains use different protection technology, interfacing has to be realized.
Intelligence on Wheels - Alerting train track workers